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Chicken, Quail, & Duck Hutches

We can build a wide variety of duck, pheasant, chicken, and bird coups for all your needs.  Whether you have yard chicken, a pond with ducks, or your children need a coup of 4H, FFA, or Ag Class, let us know how we can help.

We can build a wide variety of coups and are happy to copy plans a designs from book and magazine sources.  Coups start around $449 + extras and up depending on size and complexity.

We try to build coups in such a way as to maximize grazing space and square footage yet a cage that can be moved, is light weight, and provides easy round up of chicks and birds. 

Quail Hutch on Stand
Quail Hutch on Stand
Quail Hutch on Stand
Quail Hutch on Stand
Quail Hutch on Stand
Quail Hutch on Stand
Quail Hutch on Stand
Quail Hutch on Stand
"Quail Hutch with Stand"TM

Price:  $745 + extras

Size:  31" d x 60" w x 52" t

Indoor quail hutch.  Can be weatherized for outdoor use if placed under rain protection.

* Lift up top with hook locks

* Heavy duty stand

* FRP fiberglass bottom going up the sides.

* Drain for easy wash out.

* 19 gauge galvanized steel wire.


tiny quail chicks that just hatched from an egg.jpg
2 Level Quail Hutch
2 Level Quail Hutch
2 Level Quail Hutch
2 Level Quail Hutch
2 Level Quail Hutch
2 Level Quail Hutch
2 Level Quail Hutch
2 Level Quail Hutch
2 Level Quail Hutch
2 Level Quail Hutch
2 Level Quail Hutch
2 Level Quail Hutch
2 Level Quail Hutch
2 Level Quail Hutch
"2 Level Quail Hutch"TM

Price:  $995 + extras

Size:  24" d x 60" w x 60" t

Indoor / outdoor quail hutch.  Can be weatherized for outdoor use if placed under rain protection.

* Slopped roof

* Pull out chick guards

* Pull out doodle drawers with FRP fiberglass bottom lining

* Can have slopped chick guards so eggs roll forward


* Side windows $24.95 each

* Immerse the exterior in weather-proof resin $189

* Paint Cage any color $129

* Clear seal cage interior $69



Quail eggs on a wooden board _edited.jpg
The Hatchery
The Hatchery
The Hatchery
The Hatchery
The Hatchery
The Hatchery
The Hatchery
The Hatchery
The Hatchery
The Hatchery" TM

Price: $495  + extras

Size:  24'  d x 44" w x 26" t

This bird cage is designed for outdoor

use for a doves, pigeons, and a variety of birds.

*  Comes with large pull out doodle drawer

*  Bottom chick guards

*  2 doors

*  Caster wheels

*  FRP fiberglass lined doodle drawer


* Painted any color of your choice $99

* Top roof skylight $24.95

* Can be resin dipped for weatherization

Hilton head Hen House - Dove Aviary (3).
Hilton head Hen House - Dove Aviary (4).
Hilton head Hen House - Dove Aviary (5).
Hilton head Hen House - Dove Aviary (12)
Hilton head Hen House - Dove Aviary (11)
Hilton head Hen House - Dove Aviary (7).
Hilton head Hen House - Dove Aviary (10)
Hilton head Hen House - Dove Aviary (9).
Hilton head Hen House - Dove Aviary (8).
Hilton head Hen House - Dove Aviary (14)
Hilton head Hen House - Dove Aviary (13)
Hilton head Hen House - Dove Aviary (1).
Hilton head Hen House - Dove Aviary (2).
The Hilton Head Hen House TM

Price:  $995 + extras

Size:  5' x 2' D x 6' t

This bird cage is designed for outdoor

use for a doves, pigeons, and a variety of birds.

*  Comes with large pull out doodle drawers

*  Bottom chick guards

*  2 or 4 doors (you choice)

*  Resin coating for bottom cage frame

*  Ceiling hooks for hanging heat lamps and feeders

*  Corrugated steel roof


* Painted any color of your choice $129

* Dove boxes $16.95 each

* Perches $12.95 each

* Feeding doors $24.95 each

* ABS doodle pans

Image by Modar Kajo
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